Sefidab (Rooshoor)
Sefidab (meaning "white water") is an ancient Iranian cosmetic and cleanser that is used to exfoliate dead skin and expose new, soft, radiant skin. Sefidab can be used by both sexes and works for all skin types.
- Body: Wet Sefidab and parts of the skin. Start scrubbing the skin in a back and forth motion with Kisseh. Apply water in order to rinse, rinse several times, and wipe away any remaing debris and dead skin with running water. Skin should feel rejuvinated, radiant, and silky.
- For face: Wet face and Sefidab. Beginning with the forehead, start scrubbing in a circular motion towards one side of the face, onto the chin area, and the up towards opposite side of face. Apply water to rinse, rinse several times, and wipe away any remaing debris with running water.
>> Always use Sefidab before washing your skin with soap.
>> Stop using Sefidab if it causes an allergic reaction.